sound performance
7.30 PM
Pozen Center for Interrelated Media
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
621 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
photo by Gregory Vershbow. http://www.gregoryvershbow.com/
Production assistance:
Josiah Simmons
Gregory Vershbow
Chris Carroll
Kevin Clancy
Noah Stout
Jonathan Rand
Video Documentation
Adaptation is a performance by Lenka Chludová focusing on the interaction between our actions and the environment. Each action is at first meaningful for our survival (cover, water, food, warmth, shelter) but overdone to the extent where we struggle to survive the consequences of what we began to do in order to survive in the first place. This is "Misplaced Survival". The environment in this performance piece is manifested primarily in the sounds in the space. The materials and the order of the five actions were decided according to the their sonic properties and amplified in a way that these sounds begin to feedback on themselves as each action escalates. The feedback grows throughout the performance to the point of unbearable, forcing the performer to adapt to the environment and change the course of action, go back in pursuing these tasks, in an attempt to calm down the environment and to return, now transformed, to the original state. The audience too, despite being equipped with ear plugs, is exposed to the increasingly damaging sonic environment.